I mentioned I do the cross-stitch graphs for my daughter's business. She is a Bespoke Designer, making any and every thing a client requires. Over the years, she has made leather belts, snakeskin cushions, patchwork beards for a photographer's portfolio, the most gorgeous cutwork suede scarves, fabric covered dollshouses and a fabric dress for a chair! All sorts of wonderful things.
Sydney Design calls her "one of Sydney's most respected craft specialists." How cool is that!
Inside Out Magazine calls her one of the top 35 craft designers in Australia. Do I sound like a proud mum or what.
Her Six Week Boutique carries the creative kits she puts together and the current emphasis is on cross-stitch letters - you can use them to create words, quotes, etc.
I did Frida in b & w cross-stitch both as a test to see how it would come out, as a gift for her, and as a saleable thought process for me.
Is this pattern/kit for sale please? It's wonderful and my sister loves Frida.